This double dungeon cross is designed for professional dungeon use.
It is well built with all the features a professional dungeon needs.
This double cross holds two people, making the best use of your floor space.
This cross can easily support the weight of 2 or more heavy people.
With the removal of 4 wingnuts it folds up flat for storage.
This dungeon cross is completely free standing and self supported so you can place it anywhere in your dungeon.
This cross has a solid base with footboards so it will not scoot across the floor, or collapse while in use.
Beware of crosses that don't have this feature. Thay can be hazardous.
Each side of this cross has an adjustable and removable head rest for the subs comfort.
Each side also has 24 bondage points to keep the subs well bound!
The cushions are available in leather, or high quality marine vinyl (the toughest vinyl you can get).
DIMENSIONS: 6 feet tall, 42" wide, and 48" deep. Foot boards are made of 2X8 lumber, crosses are 2X6.
Weight, about 140 lbs.